The Northern Ireland/Nigeria collaboration, facilitated by Jerry Adesewo, Artistic Director of the Aroja Royal Theatre, Abuja, Nigeria and Dr Matt Jenniings of Ulster University, has been going from strength to strength.
Recent graduates (including Indra alumni, Harry McCallum and Caoimhe McCarron) and current students from Ulster University are independently devising and recording original poems and performances with theatre students, artists and journalists in Nigeria, supported by Jerry’s Arojah Royal Theatre company.
Jerry has invited the brilliant and renowned Irish playwright and dramaturg, Jo Egan, to deliver a Master Class to the finalists in the first national Nigerian Young Playwrights competition.
Jerry has invited Matt to a number of online conference events hosted by the National Association of Nigerian Theatre Arts Practitioners (NANTAP), which have been wonderfully stimulating and informative
There have also been positive discussions with Dr Seyi Adigun (doctor, playwright, Head of a School of Nursing and elected politician in the Kwara State Assembly) and Matt Jennings about bringing the partnership’s shared Our Health Action Training programme to doctors and nurses in Nigeria.
Several of the exchanges have been recorded and you can visit them here:!Au4Qh-Rq8TcugcU6891hxjzoRf6vZw?e=meFiVj!Au4Qh-Rq8TcugclKEgnOZCu0QhotJA?e=PhGYpV!Au4Qh-Rq8TcugcgBtjsi_1NUcjquug?e=ZbAbeJ!Au4Qh-Rq8TcugcwbpDkM1ArROub33w?e=y5cSZ7